Final Project CPE471 -Tower Defense

Michael Boyd

Tower Defense Shooting

I created a small grass map with cloud backgrounds that simulated a low-grade tower defense game. This idea was inspired by the Warcraft III Tower Defense game.


In Perspective View
w - move camera forward
s - move camera backward
a - pan camera left
d - pan camera right
p - switch to birds eye view to place towers on map
left mouse - click and drag to move camera around (look around)

In Birds Eye View (Orthographic)
right mouse - click to bring up tower menu, select tower with left mouse click
left mouse - click to place tower down on map
p - switch back to perspective view to view/move around map


You switch to birds eye view and can place down Archer/Cannon towers on the map. The towers only shoot at foreign towers. The Archers shoot very fast arrows, have a short range, and have 3 health. The Cannons shoot cannonballs slowly, have a long range, and have 5 health.

Place Towers

Tower Defense Shooting

Towers Shooting

Tower Defense Shooting

Tower Detection/Projectile Hits

The Archer's range is 30 units around itself. The Cannon's range is 50 units around itself. The Arhcer/Cannon tower rotates towards an enemy tower when shooting. When an Archer tower gets hit with a cannonball, it flashes orange to indicate a hit. When a Cannon tower gets hit with an arrow, it flashes red to indicate a hit. Once a tower's health reaches zero it disappears from the map. Only one of each tower can fire at a time.

Archer Hit

Tower Defense Shooting

Cannon Hit

Tower Defense Shooting